Monday, August 10, 2015

Tell us a little bit about yourself and your teaching experience:
I am a Primary School Teacher from a small village in Roscommon. I began my teaching career in Dublin, subbing in a variety of schools and a mixture of class levels. I then had 3rd class girls for my Dip year followed by two years in an ASD classroom. It was here that I began to really develop my interest in Special Education

What class level are your resources/ideas aimed at?
I am so new to this world that I have yet to share anything yet! I hope to share resources and ideas related to ASD and/or Special Ed classrooms but if I came across an interesting article/idea related to another class level that I though was worth sharing then I certainly would do so!

What made you want to start blogging?
While teaching in my ASD classroom, I would trawl the internet looking for ideas/resources/support for Special Educational resources. I would come across excellent blogs/websites like It's Always Sunny in SPED and The Autism Helper. While looking for resources I would use sites like File Folder Farm. While all of these were so helpful and gave me great inspiration, they were aimed at children in the U.S, using vocabulary that would not suit, so often I would have to edit the resources. I wanted to develop a platform for resources/ideas that are based on the Irish education system, using vocabulary that Irish children use/need everyday. 

Would you advise other Irish teachers to start a blog?
I think it is a great way to share ideas so why not! I have wanted to start a blog for a while and when I had some spare time this summer, I just went for it. It's still all early days but hopefully it will come together in the next few months. When I see things like this Blog Hop happening, it spurs me on to keep going. It's great to have support of other Primary Teachers as we all embark on our own educational journeys. Watch this space for more updates in the coming weeks!

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